Fashion curating. pensare la moda attraverso la mostra

Fashion curating. pensare la moda attraverso la mostra

di  marchetti luca
Pubblicato da mondadori bruno, 2022
ISBN:  9788867742028

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Fashion is a complex cultural phenomenon. Beyond the basic dimension of a "product", an exhaustive understanding of fashion and its imaginary cannot neglect the ways in which it is interpreted by the humanities, or a consideration of its relationship with the market, or, nowadays, how it is exhibited. Through its many variants and its still rather undefined contours, fashion curating informs us about the logics and issues that have made fashion one of the most powerful expressions of contemporary aesthetics. This book (the English version of which can be viewed via QRCode) is based on the symposium of the same name held at the HEAD Haute École d'Art et Design in 2014 and offers independent curators, directors of cultural institutions, and academics a comparative view of fashion curating. The conversations, articles, and excerpts from conferences brought together here aim to contextualise a practice that is still in search of a definition, while exploring the theoretical issues and methodological approaches that underpin it.
Autore: marchetti luca
Editore: mondadori bruno
ISBN: 9788867742028
Numero di tomi: 1
Numero di pagine: 208
Anno di pubblicazione: 2022


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